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Python FAQ. Why Are Floating Point Calculations So Inaccurate in Python? How to get rid of floating point errors.
By Guest on 8th November 2022 01:32:49 AM | Syntax: PYTHON | Views: 215

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  1. Why are floating point calculations so inaccurate in Python?
  2. How do you stop a floating arithmetic error in Python?
  3. What is floating point error in Python?
  4. How do I get rid of floating point errors?
  5. Why am I getting strange results with simple arithmetic operations?
  7. --
  9. Why are floating-point calculations so inaccurate?
  10. ==================================================
  12. Users are often surprised by results like this:
  14.    >>> 1.2 - 1.0
  15.    0.19999999999999996
  17. and think it is a bug in Python.  It's not.  This has little to do
  18. with Python, and much more to do with how the underlying platform
  19. handles floating-point numbers.
  21. The "float" type in CPython uses a C "double" for storage.  A "float"
  22. object's value is stored in binary floating-point with a fixed
  23. precision (typically 53 bits) and Python uses C operations, which in
  24. turn rely on the hardware implementation in the processor, to perform
  25. floating-point operations. This means that as far as floating-point
  26. operations are concerned, Python behaves like many popular languages
  27. including C and Java.
  29. Many numbers that can be written easily in decimal notation cannot be
  30. expressed exactly in binary floating-point.  For example, after:
  32.    >>> x = 1.2
  34. the value stored for "x" is a (very good) approximation to the decimal
  35. value "1.2", but is not exactly equal to it.  On a typical machine,
  36. the actual stored value is:
  38.    1.0011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011 (binary)
  40. which is exactly:
  42.    1.1999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875 (decimal)
  44. The typical precision of 53 bits provides Python floats with 15--16
  45. decimal digits of accuracy.
  47. For a fuller explanation, please see the floating point arithmetic
  48. chapter in the Python tutorial.
  50. Are Python floats are broken? 3 solutions in python for beginner
  53. Why Are Floating Point Calculations So Inaccurate in Python?
  56. [inline]

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