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Python FAQ. Why are Python strings immutable? Video tutorial with examples
By Guest on 8th November 2022 01:39:36 AM | Syntax: PYTHON | Views: 194

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  1. Why are Python strings immutable?
  2. =================================
  4. There are several advantages.
  6. One is performance: knowing that a string is immutable means we can
  7. allocate space for it at creation time, and the storage requirements
  8. are fixed and unchanging.  This is also one of the reasons for the
  9. distinction between tuples and lists.
  11. Another advantage is that strings in Python are considered as
  12. "elemental" as numbers.  No amount of activity will change the value 8
  13. to anything else, and in Python, no amount of activity will change the
  14. string "eight" to anything else.
  16. Also see:
  17. Beginner Python Tutorial - Strings are Immutable

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