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Python Glossary: terms starting with letter E
By Guest on 13th November 2022 07:54:42 AM | Syntax: PYTHON | Views: 178

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  1. Glossary - E
  2. ********
  4. EAFP
  5.    Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.  This common Python
  6.    coding style assumes the existence of valid keys or attributes and
  7.    catches exceptions if the assumption proves false.  This clean and
  8.    fast style is characterized by the presence of many "try" and
  9.    "except" statements.  The technique contrasts with the *LBYL* style
  10.    common to many other languages such as C.
  12. expression
  13.    A piece of syntax which can be evaluated to some value.  In other
  14.    words, an expression is an accumulation of expression elements like
  15.    literals, names, attribute access, operators or function calls
  16.    which all return a value.  In contrast to many other languages, not
  17.    all language constructs are expressions.  There are also
  18.    *statement*s which cannot be used as expressions, such as "while".
  19.    Assignments are also statements, not expressions.
  21. extension module
  22.    A module written in C or C++, using Python's C API to interact with
  23.   the core and with user code.

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