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Python Glossary: terms starting with letter M
By Guest on 13th November 2022 07:41:50 PM | Syntax: PYTHON | Views: 304

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  1. Glossary - M
  2. ********
  4. magic method
  5.    An informal synonym for *special method*.
  7. mapping
  8.    A container object that supports arbitrary key lookups and
  9.    implements the methods specified in the ""
  10.    or "" abstract base classes.
  11.    Examples include "dict", "collections.defaultdict",
  12.    "collections.OrderedDict" and "collections.Counter".
  14. meta path finder
  15.    A *finder* returned by a search of "sys.meta_path".  Meta path
  16.    finders are related to, but different from *path entry finders*.
  18.    See "" for the methods that meta path
  19.    finders implement.
  21. metaclass
  22.    The class of a class.  Class definitions create a class name, a
  23.    class dictionary, and a list of base classes.  The metaclass is
  24.    responsible for taking those three arguments and creating the
  25.    class.  Most object oriented programming languages provide a
  26.    default implementation.  What makes Python special is that it is
  27.    possible to create custom metaclasses.  Most users never need this
  28.    tool, but when the need arises, metaclasses can provide powerful,
  29.    elegant solutions.  They have been used for logging attribute
  30.    access, adding thread-safety, tracking object creation,
  31.    implementing singletons, and many other tasks.
  33.    More information can be found in Metaclasses.
  35. method
  36.    A function which is defined inside a class body.  If called as an
  37.    attribute of an instance of that class, the method will get the
  38.    instance object as its first *argument* (which is usually called
  39.    "self"). See *function* and *nested scope*.
  41. method resolution order
  42.    Method Resolution Order is the order in which base classes are
  43.    searched for a member during lookup. See The Python 2.3 Method
  44.    Resolution Order for details of the algorithm used by the Python
  45.    interpreter since the 2.3 release.
  47. module
  48.    An object that serves as an organizational unit of Python code.
  49.    Modules have a namespace containing arbitrary Python objects.
  50.    Modules are loaded into Python by the process of *importing*.
  52.    See also *package*.
  54. module spec
  55.    A namespace containing the import-related information used to load
  56.    a module. An instance of "importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec".
  58. MRO
  59.    See *method resolution order*.
  61. mutable
  62.    Mutable objects can change their value but keep their "id()".  See
  63.    also *immutable*.

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