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Python Glossary: terms starting with letter Q
By Guest on 13th November 2022 09:31:23 PM | Syntax: PYTHON | Views: 207

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  1. Glossary - Q
  2. ********
  4. qualified name
  5.    A dotted name showing the "path" from a module's global scope to a
  6.   class, function or method defined in that module, as defined in
  7.   **PEP 3155**.  For top-level functions and classes, the qualified
  8.   name is the same as the object's name:
  10.       >>> class C:
  11.       ...     class D:
  12.       ...         def meth(self):
  13.       ...             pass
  14.       ...
  15.       >>> C.__qualname__
  16.       'C'
  17.       >>> C.D.__qualname__
  18.       'C.D'
  19.       >>> C.D.meth.__qualname__
  20.       'C.D.meth'
  22.    When used to refer to modules, the *fully qualified name* means the
  23.    entire dotted path to the module, including any parent packages,
  24.    e.g. "email.mime.text":
  26.       >>> import email.mime.text
  27.       >>> email.mime.text.__name__
  28.       'email.mime.text'

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