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Python - What skills are in highest demand for Python developers
By Guest on 9th December 2022 09:12:58 PM | Syntax: PYTHON | Views: 222

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  1. The skills that are in most demand for Python developers are:
  3. Data analysis and visualization: As a Python developer, one of the most important skills you need to have is data analysis and visualization. This involves using Python libraries and tools, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib, to clean, manipulate, and visualize data.
  5. Web development: In addition to data analysis, Python is also commonly used for web development. This involves using Python frameworks, such as Django and Flask, to create server-side logic and APIs, and to interact with databases and other web services.
  7. Machine learning: Another important skill for Python developers is machine learning. This involves using Python libraries, such as TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn, to develop and train machine learning models for a variety of applications, such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics.
  9. DevOps: As companies increasingly adopt agile and continuous delivery practices, there is also a growing demand for Python developers with DevOps skills. This involves using Python to automate and manage software development processes, such as deployment, testing, and monitoring.
  11. Testing and debugging: Finally, it's important for Python developers to have experience with testing and debugging their code. This involves using tools and techniques to identify and fix errors and bugs in their code, and to ensure that the code is reliable and efficient.
  14. What cloud platforms should python developers know how to use?
  16. As a Python developer, you should have some knowledge of the following cloud platforms:
  18. Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS is one of the most popular cloud platforms, and it offers a wide range of services for Python developers, including Elastic Beanstalk for deploying Python applications, Lambda for running Python code in response to events, and SageMaker for training and deploying machine learning models.
  20. Microsoft Azure: Azure is another popular cloud platform, and it offers a number of services for Python developers, such as Azure Functions for running Python code on demand, and the Azure Machine Learning service for training and deploying machine learning models.
  22. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP is a cloud platform provided by Google, and it offers several services for Python developers, such as App Engine for deploying Python applications, and Cloud Functions for running Python code in response to events.
  24. Heroku: Heroku is a cloud platform that offers an easy and convenient way to deploy and run Python applications. It provides a simple command-line interface for managing and scaling Python applications, and it supports a wide range of libraries and frameworks.
  26. Overall, by learning to use these cloud platforms, you will be able to build and deploy your Python applications in the cloud, and take advantage of the scalability, reliability, and other benefits of cloud computing.

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