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By Guest on 27th August 2023 11:40:08 AM | Syntax: TEXT | Views: 110

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  1. local config = require("plugins.configs.lspconfig")
  2. local on_attach = config.on_attach
  3. local capabilities = config.capabilities
  4. local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
  6. lspconfig.omnisharp.setup({
  7.   Jon_attach=on_attach,
  8.   capabilities=capabilities,
  9.   cmd = {"dotnet", os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.local/share/nvim/mason/packages/omnisharp/libexec/OmniSharp.dll"},
  10.   enable_editorconfig_support = true,
  11.   enable_ms_build_load_projects_on_demand = false,
  12.   enable_roslyn_analyzers = false,
  13.   organize_imports_on_format = true,
  14.   enable_import_completion = true,
  15.   sdk_include_prereleases = true,
  16.   analyze_open_documents_only = false,
  17. })
  19. lspconfig.pyright.setup({
  20.   on_attach=on_attach,
  21.   capabilities=capabilities,
  22.   filetypes={"python"}
  23. })
  25. lspconfig.tsserver.setup({
  26.   on_attach=on_attach,
  27.   capabilities=capabilities,
  28.   filetypes={"javascript"}
  29. })
  31. lspconfig.html.setup({
  32.   on_attach=on_attach,
  33.   capabilities=capabilities,
  34.   configurationSection = { "html", "css" },
  35.   embeddedLanguages = {
  36.     css = true,
  37.     javascript = true
  38.   },
  39.   --provideFormatter = true,
  40.   filetypes = { "html", "css" }
  41. })

lspconfig lua